According to Ayurveda, hair, soft hair on the body, nails, bones, muscle and skin colour manifests in the 6th month of pregnancy. In the 6th month external ears, eyes and nose are clearly visible and essence of all the 7 Dhatus known as “Oja” is formed. Pregnant woman experiences general weakness in 6th month due to formation of Oja.
Development of the cells for formation of hair takes place in the 3rd month, but actual formation of Anagen hair (new hair) in the hair follicle is seen in the 6th month. Anagen hair replaces the telogen hair (falling hair) by pushing telogen hair out of the follicular canal.
As the formation of hair takes place in the 6th month, Garbhasanskar has recommended pregnant woman certain medicines to attain soft, healthy hair and tender skin in the baby. Hair problems prevailing in the family like pre mature graying of hairs, excess hair fall, alopecia (hair loss in a certain area) and weak hairs can be prevented in the newborn by instructing pregnant woman to take herbal medicines and make certain dietary changes in the 6th month of pregnancy. For healthy and strong hairs certain herbal medicines are prescribed to the pregnant woman.
Skin and colour of the skin
On heating milk gradually cream appears on the surface. Similarly skin layers of the foetus develop. Outermost layer of the skin is called epidermis, which is made of melanocytes cell containing melanin pigments. Melanin pigments impart colour to the skin, depending upon their number. Higher the melanin pigments darker the skin and vice versa. According to Ayurveda the colour of the skin is influenced by four factors viz., Matruja (factors inherited from the maternal side), Pitruja (factors inherited from the fore fathers), Mahabhutaj (5 basic elements of body) and Deshkulaja (geographical location, race and climate). For example – Negro-African people have dark complexion because of presence of higher number of melanocytes. People from the West situated in colder region have less number of melanocytes, and have fair complexion. India belongs to temperate zone and hence melanocyte number is variable in each individual.
In India most of the people opt for fair colour, Garbhasanskar provides the mean to achieve fair, soft and supple skin. To achieve this pregnant woman is advised to eat homemade ghee, butter, milk, rice and buttermilk. Even though colour of the foetus manifests in the 6th month; changes in the diet and medicines can be taken from the first month itself. Garbhasanskar have mentioned certain colour enhancing herbs, use of these herbs in recommended dose and along with suitable anupan (liquid or any other substance taken along with medicine or after medicine to enhancing medicinal properties) has fantastic results.
Development of the eye and colour of the eye is dependent on the Tej mahabhuta. If this Tej mahabhut combines with Kapha Dosha, colour of the eye is white and clear. If combined with Pitta Dosha colour of eyes is yellowish, and if combined with Vata Dosha, squint or other deformities in the eyes are seen.
In the 6th month strength, colour manifests and formation of Oja takes place. Ear, nose, eyes develop further in this month and hence to boost up all these developments Narayanadi Kalpa twice a day along with a glass of milk and one teaspoon homemade ghee is advised.