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Development of the foetus in the 4th month

Effects on the mother

Eye lashes and eyebrows grow,
Face and skin is covered with soft fine hairs,
Skin is thin layered, wrinkled,
Joints develop and grow further,
Growth of genital organs,
Development and functioning of respiratory organs,
Baby sucks thumb,
Development, growth and functioning of heart and heart chambers,
Foetal length 6inches,
Foetal weight 125 gm.


Symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and urine frequency of urine subside,
Active foetal movements are felt by the pregnant woman,
Thick secretions from the breast.
The uterus can be palpated below the umbilicus,
Heart burn or acidity may be seen.
Weight gain – 2.5 kg.



In the 4th month of pregnancy, growth and development of the heart and heart chambers becomes prominent. It is believed that, in the 4th month, maternal heart and foetal heart are in direct contact through placenta (the oval spongy structure through which the foetus derives its nourishment) by the umbilical cord of the foetus. The placenta is attached to the uterine wall. The placenta establishes connection between the foetus and the mother.

Continuous nourishment of the foetus is carried out through the internal vessels of the mother. In other words, mother and foetal hearts are connected through these vessels and hence she is called “dauhrudini” that is having 2 hearts. It is assumed that foetus conveys its desires to the mother in the form of dohale (longings of the pregnant woman). Emphasis is laid on fulfilling these longings of the pregnant woman, as it is considered that fulfilling it imparts health and long life to the foetus and satisfies the pregnant woman making her happy. Satisfaction of the pregnant woman creates positive vibes generating positive attitude in the foetus. Fulfillment of these longings is to be done with restraint to avoid any discomfort to the pregnant woman.

In the 4th month, firmness of the foetus and overall structural and functional growth of the foetus is seen. In the 4th month, physical and mental stability is seen in the pregnant woman.

All the sense organs develop and grow in the 4th month. Realization of sentiments like pain and joy are produced in the foetus. Baby moves, kicks and can sense mother’s emotions.

In the 4th month, 20gm butter twice a day along with principal diet is advised for the pregnant woman for better development of the heart. Butter provides nourishment to the heart.Butter should be homemade and without salt.

Heart ailments prevailing in the family history can be prevented in the foetus by taking certain medicines and advised diet in the 4th month of pregnancy. Garbhasanskar advises medicines and diet in the 4th month for better development and functioning of the heart.

Mind develops in the 5th month of pregnancy. For development of mind and better manifestation of mental attributes in the 5th month, Garbhasanskar advises specific diet and medicines from the 4th month of pregnancy. Mental disorders can be prevented in the foetus with these medicines.  

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