In the 7th month all the major structures of the foetus form and character of these structures develop further.
The delivery of the baby is viable in the 7th month and the baby survives with intensive neonatal care. Delivery in the 28 weeks of pregnancy is termed as Preterm labour. The out come of preterm labour is delivery of a low birth weight baby. According to Ayurveda, anatomical and functional prematurity in a preterm baby manifests poor health of the baby with low immunity. The baby may suffer from various sequel viz. rickets, mental or intellectual deficiency. All the structures of the foetus form in the 7th month but due to lack of subcutaneous fat and poor muscle tone, preterm delivered baby should be handled with extreme gentleness all through.
The pregnant woman in the 7th month becomes pale and exhausts with little physical activities. In the 7th month, milk + rice gruel, manukkhe (dry black grapes), raisins, singhada (Indian water chestnut), eggs is recommended for the pregnant woman to boost development of character of structures and for subcutaneous fat accumulation in the foetus.
Gentle massage from 7th month till delivery of the baby is advised for the pregnant woman. Gentle massage with warm seasame oil to abdomen, thighs, back alleviates Vata Dosha, reduces pain and fatigue. Seasame oil is the best medicine for alleviating Vata Dosha. Massage facilitates normal function of Apan vayu, thus aiding for normal delivery.
Ankle, pedal oedema is one of the ailments in pregnancy noted in the 7th month. Evidence of pre-eclampsia (collective symptoms of high blood pressure, ankle oedema, headache, loss of albumin from urine) or weight gain by fluid retention has to be excluded. The identification and effective management of pre-existing high blood pressure play a significant role in the outcome of pregnancy both for the mother and the baby. Omit salty food and extra dressings of salt. Adequate amount of proteins in the diet is advised. Sometimes pregnant woman crave for salty taste, as a result frequent intake of a pinch of salt or fruits and salads sprinkled with salt are taken. All these result in high blood pressure and oedema.